Healthy Ageing
Useful Links
Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021 - 2030)
What is the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021 - 2030 (WHO webpage)
PAHO Launch of the Decade - "Transforming Ageing as a Research Priority in the Americas" (video, 9/2021)
Healthy Ageing (PAHO webpage)
Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean (IADB publication)
PAHO AFSM Activities
AFSM PAHO Report on the AGEING SURVEY Yvette Holder
Presentation of the PAHO/AFSM Ageing Survey (Powerpoint presentation)
Selected articles from the Newsletter
Health Tips Martha Pelaez
Recognizing Ageism, Fighting Ageism: A Personal Reflection NEW
Strong Muscles, Healthy Ageing
What Do We Mean by Ageing?
Cognitive Decline in Old Age is Preventable
Health, Lifestyles and Severe COVID-19 Gloria Coe NEW
A Little Humour -
Musings of an Ageing Woman Yvette Holder
Useful Information
A Recommended Package of Long-Term Care Services NEW
Related Links
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