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  Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021 - 2030)
  • Age-friendly Cities and Communities 

  • What is the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021 - 2030 (WHO webpage)

  • PAHO Launch of the Decade - "Transforming Ageing as a Research Priority in the Americas" (video, 9/2021)

  • Healthy Ageing (PAHO webpage)

  • Imagining the Future: Ageing in a New Age (video)

  •  Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean (IADB publication)

  Selected articles from the Newsletter
  Health Tips    Martha Pelaez     
  • Recognizing Ageism, Fighting Ageism: A Personal Reflection   

  • Strong Muscles, Healthy Ageing 

  • What Do We Mean by Ageing?    

  • Cognitive Decline in Old Age is Preventable

A Little Humour -

Musings of an Ageing Woman   

Yvette Holder

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